How Independent Study Works

Solutions is a Life-Changing Course

The principles really work, and the Lord will heal whatever He brings up during the lessons. Because the lessons are designed to surface hurts that need healing, it is suggested that you find a James 5:16 partner to pray with you as you walk through the healing journey. A James 5:16 partner is someone that you can confess your sins and hurts to; and then, they pray over your heart. This person can be a friend, relative, or counselor to whom you can turn to as the Lord deals with your wounds and sinful responses. It can be a prayer partner you already have or it can be someone who is walking down the same path of healing. It can even be a group of people who understand the concept of LLAP.

LLAP is the concept we use in Abundant Life’s small groups and ministry counseling sessions. We Love people by Listening to them. Our listening involves hearing their heart, hurts, and responses without condemnation or judgment. Because the course is based on Scripture, we do not encourage using Scripture during the ministry time, as it may be too heavy for their heart and does not validate the person. We do not give advice, pat answers, or spiritual clichés. We Accept them where they are and as they are because there is no healing outside the cross. After we have loved, listened, and accepted, we Pray healing prayers over their hearts. Healing prayer simply means we ask Jesus to come to the place of pain with His healing anointing. In Luke 4:18-19, Jesus tells us that He came to heal broken hearts and to release us from captivity.

If you find that you need help finding a James 5:16 partner, send an email request to Mama at [email protected] .

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